bamboo product catalogue

Bamboo Pole Manufacturing

Bamboo is one of fastest growing plant in the world. Bamboo can be harvested for production less than 4 years. Bamboo has a very wide planting range in China, from very south of China to Yangtze River area, many of farmers are living with bamboo, they plant bamboo, cut down and sell bamboo to factories. Bamboo can grow up naturally without fertilizer; it grows with sunshine and rain. Enough rain and sun will make bamboo grow really fast and get very big.

Bamboo can be used in thousands of solutions, for fencing, roofing, ceiling, construction, flooring, furniture. The basic manufacturing process for bamboo is almost same, to cut down bamboo out of bamboo forests, to wash bamboo - clean bamboo, to dry bamboo - too wet bamboo will get moldy in a few days. The well treatment of bamboo will help the factories make good quality bamboo products.

bamboo pole

Washing Bamboo Poles

bamboo pole

Removing Water of Bamboo Poles

bamboo pole

Drying Bamboo Poles under Sunshine

bamboo pole

Making Bamboo Poles Straight

bamboo pole

Cutting Bamboo Poles in Fixed Length

bamboo pole

Quality Checking Bamboo Poles

bamboo pole

Bamboo Poles in Stock

bamboo pole

Packing Bamboo Poles

bamboo pole

Loading Bamboo Poles into Container