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MOSO Bamboo

Bamboo is also called MOSO bamboo, its Latin name is Phyllostachys Pubescens. The bamboos are, indeed, classified as woody, evergreen, perennial grasses.

Geographically, bamboo is most closely associated with the Orient, sub-Saharan Africa and Central and South America.

Botanically, a great number of the bamboo can easily be recognized by their prominent, hollow stems, known as "culms", punctuated at intervals by nodes.

Bamboo has a bunch of unique characteristics rather than hardwood.
  • MOSO bamboo can grow about 4 feet in under 24 hours.
  • MOSO bamboo is one of the cheapest renewable sources of building material available to mankind.
  • MOSO bamboo is one of the fastest growing components of forests, and thus plays an important role in the development of animal habitats.
  • MOSO bamboo has been an important part of art, music, tradition and ceremonies throughout the Asian continent. At the same time; it provides rural communities with a sustainable livelihood.
  • Soft bamboo shoots, stems, and leaves are the major food source of the endangered Giant Panda of China.
  • MOSO bamboo is the only living thing that survived the Hiroshima atomic blast. It also provided the initial re- greening of that place.
  • MOSO bamboo consumes nitrogen and thus removes pollution. Bamboo plant produces 35% more oxygen than any other tree species. Bamboo also protects against ultraviolet rays.

MOSO bamboo can be the raw materials for a very wide of products, including wall, ceiling, fencing, bamboo poles, plywood, bamboo flooring, panels and furniture. MOSO bamboo is one of most important plant the earth and human being.

moso bamboo