What is bamboo plywood?
But even this one, which is quite familiar to most of us, even not connected with construction, also has several varieties, which have their advantages and disadvantages, alas. The raw material for making this kind of equipment is, of course, bamboo. The popularity of this raw material is determined by several factors:
The growth of bamboo occurs quickly, and this, in turn, ensures a constant inflow of raw materials. Wood bamboo has very useful properties. They consist in the fact that:
• Wood bamboo is resistant to moisture;
• Bamboo is inherently durable;
• Is characterized by natural protection from harmful insects.
These qualities determine the following possibilities for its use:
• Laying water pipes;
• Decking.
Thanks to the processing tools, bamboo plywood can become incredibly durable and simply irreplaceable in the construction work associated with laying the foundation.
One of the undeniable advantages of plywood from bamboo is its low cost compared to other types of building materials.
Is it any wonder that this novelty is becoming more and more in demand on the market? The bamboo plywood itself is divided into two types:
• Laminated;
• Rippled.
Laminated bamboo plywood acquires a more pleasing appearance. Its properties such as strength and moisture resistance are significantly improved. These properties make it possible to use it in the cladding of sea-going ships, the interior decoration of train cars and vans. Another advantage of laminated plywood from bamboo is the ability to produce it in the form of sheets of large size, which is very important in terms of construction. And such property as ease makes installation of building objects simple without application of superfluous efforts and devices.
In addition to laminated, bamboo plywood can be corrugated. This plywood greatly expands the area of its use: awnings, gazebos, hedges, as well as in the decoration of walls and ceilings for the decoration of modern interiors.
This plant is excellent for plywood production, as it grows rapidly, ensuring the constant availability of raw materials. What is important, bamboo has many useful properties that are transferred to the plywood produced from it.
Advantages of plywood from bamboo:
• High moisture resistance.
• Natural resistance.
• Natural protection against insects.
• Low price.
Thanks to these properties, plywood made of bamboo is an excellent material for the arrangement of water supply networks and the erection of small buildings. But this does not end with its application. Plywood made of bamboo is suitable for formwork.
Bamboo plywood can be laminated, due to which its appearance improves, and it becomes more resistant to the action of moisture and harmful substances. Apply this kind of plywood to the skin of containers, which are then used for chemicals, poisons, and drugs. Laminated bamboo plywood does not wear out for a long time - it allows using it for the lining of vans and train cars, river ships and ships. When constructing large objects, such plywood is very convenient, as it is manufactured by large solid sheets, and it is also lightweight, which makes it possible to conduct assembly works effortlessly.
Application of bamboo plywood
Most of the bamboo plywood produced in the world is used as a formwork. The advantages of formwork plywood are obvious - in the first place it is high strength, exceptional moisture resistance and ability to maintain its properties under the influence of various chemicals. In addition, bamboo plywood is relatively inexpensive - of course, only if it does not have to be transported from the Far East to the Moscow region.
The most common type, being the rapidly growing Moso bamboo is also used mainly for the production of bamboo plywood. It is like a natural and charred plywood as a wooden plywood with a vertical or horizontal grain, depending on the production process. Since bamboo is a low tar, open the granular material, so it takes the stain and ends extremely well. It can be cut and sanded using conventional woodworking equipment for various types and applications.
The available wood reserves are decreasing due to the requirement of global biomass for obtaining green energy, bamboo is an alternative to wood for reasonably good reasons. With modern methods and adapted technologies, bamboo can be processed in a wide range of products with wood and other raw materials in the future. Methods, technologies and equipment for wood processing cannot be used directly in the use of bamboo.