Red Oak vs White Oak
Oak flooring is becoming trend in the market because of resources and quality. With the rapid consumption of the world's timber resources and national timber export policy tightening, some traditional areas such as South America, Africa, drastically reduced the number of raw materials, leading to the origin of species becoming scarce and prices go high-end. The European has become the world's new raw material producing areas for flooring and oak is the representative species covering North America and Europe. Because of the unique nature of the texture and stability of the material, 80% of the European family choose oak flooring, and in the United States, oak flooring is the best synonym.
Red Oak, scientific name: QUERCUS RUBRA
Widely located in the eastern United States, red oak has larger quantity than white oak. American red oak grows in the entire region of eastern. There are seven main varieties: northern red oak (genus:Quercus Shumardii); eastern red oak (genus:Quercus Rubra); southern red oak (genus:Quercus falcata); cherry leather oak (genus:Q.falcata Var pagodaeflia); scarlet oak (genus:coccinea); pin oak (genus:Q.palustris); Nuttal oak (genus:Q.nuttallii).
Red oak is hard and heavy, mill performance is good, dry slowly. Red oak's color, texture and characteristics will be changing with the origin. Red oak grows rapidly in the South than the North, and is hard and heavy. South oak is reddish color and suitable for darker color paint products; the north oak has light red color, partial white, and color uniformity, suitable for light products. There is a big price gap between north with south. Red oak is usually straight grain and rough texture. Red oak flooring is pink color and multi-purpose features. It is hard and heavy, with high tensile strength and seismic capacity and full of very resistant to wear, is the best residential and commercial hardwood flooring option.
Red oak is ideal material to produce various types of furniture and cabinet. Hard and tough, not too heavy, easy to process than any other oak treatment. Unique grain and good performance are so nice to make the oiled or dyed products. Red oak has solid wood, laminate and veneer. Furniture manufacturers around the world use their products in a large number of red oak lumber and veneer.
Usage: building materials, furniture, flooring, interior decoration, molding, doors, cabinets, coffins and the bucket.
White oak, scientific name: Quercus alba L.
White oak produced in several regions, Northeast China, eastern United States, Russia, Germany and the Mediterranean region. White oak mass produced in the eastern United States, this region has become the world's most important place for white oak and United States Hardwood Grading Associations has strict grading and volume calculations. US white oak has similar color and appearance with European oak. Sapwood in light color, heartwood is light brown to dark brown, rough texture, straight grain, wood medullary rays longer than red oak. White oak has more grains than red oak, hard and heavy, perfect machining performance. White oak has a higher shrinkage. White oak is more appropriate to be varnished than red oak, white oak heartwood has high resistance to corrosion and highly resistant to diseases and pests, so rarely see the white oak rot and raw rubber materials wormhole.
Usage: building materials, furniture, flooring, interior architectural design, outdoor joinery, moldings, doors, kitchen cabinets, paneling, wooden bridge, barrel, coffin and bucket.

white oak has 2cm wood grain, red oak has 1cm grain