How Is Bamboo Reproduced Without Seeds?

Flowering and fruiting is the characteristic of seeding plants, also including bamboo. It takes decades of years for bamboo to grow up,flower and fruit.After bamboo died, the seeds will fall into the ground and new bamboo shoot grows out.

Bamboo seeds are not similar as regular plant seeds which flower and fruit every year, so many people think bamboo doesn't flower and fruit or something wrong with temperature or earthquake. 2000 years ago, there is a record - Shan Hai Jing, which says "bamboo has flower, died after years".

There are 3 different species of bamboo in flowering.

One specie is flowering every year, like Ochlandra Thwait

One specie is flowering at irregular period, like Sinobambusa nephroaurita C.D.Chu et C.S.Chao, Bambusa multiplex Raeuschel ex J.A. et J.H.Schult.

One specie is flowering every 30 years or 80 years, like Dendrocalamus strictus Nees, Bambusa tulda Roxb.

Phyllostachys bambusoides Sieb. Et Zucc flowering every 120 years.

bamboo shoot

Bamboo shoot

bamboo forest

Bamboo forest