bothbest bamboo blog

Bamboo Paneling & Bamboo Plywood Installation & Fabrication

Bamboo paneling produced by Bothbest is a beautiful and affordable design option to remodel a room. It is also very durable, making it worth every penny you spend on it. It is a great replacement for traditional wood and is far more eco-friendly than most other options. Bamboo is harvested from mature stalks which will grow back on their own, unlike natural wood where the trees are destroyed and the only way that they can grow again is by planting an entirely new tree. That takes years to replace.

  • Step 1 - Plan out the Project: Using some of the bamboo paneling to figure out how you want to arrange it on your wall, mark on the bamboo with your pencil areas that you will need to trim in order for it to fit properly onto your walls. Take your stud finder and find where the studs are at the end of each wall area. This is where you will attach the bamboo with finishing nails. The rest of the paneling will be put on the walls with paneling adhesive. Make sure to remove any and all fixtures and vents.
  • Step 2 - Prepare the Paneling for Installation: After you have cut the bamboo panel to size and have indicated places where holes must be made, it is time to cut out those holes in the paneling. Take your trowel and apply the adhesive directly to the wall and not to the paneling itself. Follow the directions on the adhesive. It is important to note that you will need a lot of the adhesive for each wall you are putting bamboo on.
  • Step 3 - Adhere the Paneling: According to the adhesive instructions, begin to attach your bamboo plywood to your walls. Now take the shims you have and place them in between the segments of paneling as well as the baseboard of the floor. This will help compensate for the natural spaces that might occur after the paneling begins to dry.
  • Step 4 - Nail in the bamboo paneling: After the paneling has been put on the wall, take the finishing nails and put them in the bamboo that is at the end of each wall. Take the wood putty and cover up the heads of the nails to hide them. After you have done this you can replace all your fixtures and venting you might have removed.
  • Step 5 - Take Care of the Bamboo: Taking care of your bamboo is important to the life of the paneling. It is best that the bamboo is kept as dry as possible, and any type of cleaning should be done with warm water and oil soap only. Where you have installed the paneling should dictate how often you should clean the paneling. If, for example, it is in a bathroom, you should not only clean the paneling every week, but also make sure that there is ample ventilation in the room.
Bamboo Panel and Bamboo Plywood Fabrication Guidelines
  • Cutting:Because of the dense nature of the bamboo panels, it is recommended that a new high quality saw blade should be used to perform a clean cut. A slow steady uniform feed on a table saw should be employed to achieve the desired results.
  • Drilling: A high speed electric drill with a sharp bit is the preferred method for drilling. To prevent splintering at the exit point on the back side, place a piece of scrap material behind the panel as a support before you drill the hole.
  • Routing: Routers producing a speed greater than 20,000 RPM should be used with a double fluted bit.
  • Filling: In case you chip the bamboo during the fabrication process, basic wood filler can be used to fill the crack or chip. Choose a color that is close to the bamboo color pictured on this sheet.
  • Fastening: Bothbest bamboo panel and bamboo plywood can be nailed, stapled screwed, glued and or bolted together. Fully threaded course screws are the preferable screw type. Because of the density of the bamboo, it is necessary to pre-drill a pilot hole relative to the size screw being used.
  • Finishing: There are a wide variety of finishes that may be used on Bothbest bamboo panel and bamboo plywood. High quality paints, stains, varnishes, lacquers as well as primers can be applied to the surface. We recommend products with a low VOC so as to maintain a "Green" product mindset. However your specific application and specification may vary widely, the final choice is up to you.